Chiropractic Balance Blog

Considering Making the Jump to Plant-Based?

A vegetarian diet has become increasingly popular over the last few years. With more and more choosing plant based options, how is this impacting these individuals overall health? There are many researched benefits to a plant based diet, but also a few downsides.    What are the benefits? The benefits to vegetarian diets show:  Lower body…

Chiropractic Porirua NZ 10 Year Hero

10-Years of Chiropractic for Our Community

10-Years of Chiropractic for Our Community In Porirua This month we celebrate 10 years since Chiropractic Balance first opened. It has been a privilege to be able to provide Chiropractic care in Porirua to all of the people who have come through our doors. During this time we have had many changes with Chiropractors’ and…

Chiropractic Porirua NZ Fruit And Veggie Spread

4 Ways to Improve Your Winter Vitality with Nutritious Food in Porirua NZ

4 Ways to Improve Your Winter Vitality with Nutritious Food In Porirua NZ Eating healthy and good lifestyle habits can be a challenge during the colder months in Porirua NZ. We tend to crave comfort foods to boost the mood-enhancing chemicals in our bodies, however there are comfort foods that also aid our vitality and…

Chiropractic Porirua NZ 4 Tips To Change Your Perspective & Build A Healthy Mindset

4 Tips To Change Your Perspective & Deal With Mental Blocks in Porirua NZ

4 Tips To Change Your Perspective & Deal With Mental Blocks In Porirua NZ? Your perspective shapes how you perceive the world and influences your daily decisions. It’s important to realise that your perspective can become deeply ingrained, leading to mental blocks that restrict your potential for healing and health. Contact our Porirua NZ chiropractic…

Chiropractic Wellington NZ Yoga For Vitality

Yoga For Vitality

Yoga For Vitality With the cooler weather settling in we can start to feel a bit stiff and sluggish. The great news is you can make small, simple changes to help enhance your movement and boost vitality through the colder months. The beginning of winter is always a good time to reassess whether we are…

Chiropractic Porirua NZ Back Pain Chiropractic Adjustment

What Chiropractic Techniques Do We Use in Porirua NZ?

WHAT CHIROPRACTIC TECHNIQUES DO WE USE In Porirua NZ? Chiropractors are specifically trained to find areas of imbalance in the spine. Your chiropractor will analyse your posture, range of motion, muscles, and spinal joints to understand where you may have imbalance, and how to best address these areas through chiropractic techniques in Porirua NZ. How…