Chiropractic Balance Blog

Chiropractic for Teenagers

The spine of a child develops rapidly in the first 18 years of life. Puberty kicks that physical development into overdrive.  The average age of puberty is lowering each year due to more hormone-injected, processed and sprayed foods, vaccines, water supplies, and pesticides in our environment. Unless we are living in a bubble some of…

8 Easy Tips to Reduce Sugar in your Diet

At Chiropractic Balance we look at the four pillars to overall health (Structure, Well being, Exercise and Nutrition) as they all influence the balance of our body. Often you will hear us talk to you about reducing sugar in your diet. This article explains a why sugar isn’t so sweet for you and easy tips…

10 Tips for Optimising Spine & Brain Function

In a recent study thousands of people were asked whether they would rather suffer from a back problem or a brain problem. Every single individual responded that they would choose to suffer from a back related issue. People tend to assume that even severe back problems present less of a health challenge than brain problems because the…

How Long Do I Need Chiropractic Care?

In reality there is no right answer to the question of how long you need chiropractic care because every situation is different. If patient A tweaked her lower back picking up a basket of laundry and patient B injured several cervical vertebrae in a car accident, the treatment plans and lengths will be quite different.…

Spinal Curves – what they are and why we need them

On your first visit with us we assess your posture and as part of that analysis we look at your spinal curves. We do this by looking at you from the side. Everyone’s spine should curve in two directions: towards the front and towards the back. When the spine curves towards the front of the…

“Baby, We Were Born to Run”

Spring (not Springsteen) has arrived in Wellington, and as the weather warms up (albeit slowly), many of our practice members are mentioning that they are dusting off their running shoes in preparation for the many upcoming running events over the next few months. Questions are also being asked about whether running is ‘bad for you’…