Chiropractic Balance Blog


Taking care of your feet combined with chiropractic care may have a significant effect on how you feel according to the New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association (NZCA). Chiropractor Dr Roz Griffiths explains: ‘We’ve warned people about the effects of high heels, challenging footwear on health and locked up feet joints [1] but the latest research suggests that…

Leaky Gut & Sympathetic Dominance

‘Trust your gut’. ‘Go with your gut feeling’. That’s how the sayings go. But can we really trust our gut to serve us reliably? In recent years, the link between our gut and our health have become much clearer. A ‘leaky gut’ that has become inflamed and compromised by stress can lead to a plethora of many physical and physiological issues. We examine this topic in the light of something called ‘Sympathetic Dominance’.

The Scary Effects of Screen Time on your Sleep (and how to change your habits)

The number one reason why we talk about improving your sleep quality and quantity is that our bodies go into repair mode when we sleep. Today’s blog will delve further into what the negative effects on our health may be if we’re not sleeping properly and how limiting your screen time is vital to making a positive change.

How Meditation Can Help You Thrive In Today’s Busy World

In today’s world of deadlines, demands and a general desperation to create more time in our days, in order to get more done, it can be very easy to believe that there is no time to stop and meditate. However, if that’s how you feel than you’re the very person who needs to consider meditation or mindfulness. We understand that for physical fitness, we need to train our body – we can’t just get up one day and run a marathon. The same is true for for our mind – it requires a daily practice of ‘training’ and meditation can be part of that.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

As Chiropractors, we often tell people they should be drinking more water. This isn’t just because it’s important to stay hydrated – water intake plays a massive role in a wide variety of bodily functions, and is one of the keys to living a healthy life.

Is this the Bottom Line of Your Back Pain?

Chiropractors have long been aware of the link between neglected weak buttock muscles and lower back pain. Weak glute muscles are also a contributing factor in knee pain, hip pain, hamstring strains, poor posture, balance problems and being prone to injuries. Many people may not even be aware that their glutes, which are some of our most important pelvic stabilising muscles, are not as strong as they should be or that these imbalances now go by the name of “dead butt syndrome” or “gluteus amnesia”. Read more to see if these problems may be affecting you.