Detoxing Made Simple in Porirua NZ

With Dr Roz Griffiths (Lifestyle Chiropractor)

Do you want to lose weight in Porirua NZ, boost your energy, immunity, and mood, whilst also clearing your skin and reducing cravings?
Welcome to Detoxing Made Simple with Dr. Roz Griffiths.
"My health hasn't always been abundant, I started my life as a small child with eczema and sinus issues which were probably due to poor gut health.
I spent my childhood using various steroid based creams and sprays to control my flare ups whilst eating a typical western diet. By the time I was 20 years old I weighed 80kg, I had eczema all over my hands and often face, my sinuses were always blocked and I was always bloated.
I was fortunate to be recommended to a Naturopath, who started me on my journey of healing my body from the inside out with a detox.
Fast forward 20 years, I have now been a Chiropractor and Lifestyle coach for 15yrs. I have had three children and now can easily maintain a weight of 65-68kg. I use no steroid products at all and my skin is great. I feel healthier every year and I have helped 100’s of others improve their health. I spend my days learning how to make a nutritious diet work in a modern world and learning how to get the same food into my children.
I believe health comes from consistent small habits that build upon each other, and I believe that a regular detox is a great way of cleansing out the body.
Six years ago I came across a very comprehensive “Do it Yourself” Herbal Detox Body Cleanse Program designed by Kiwi Medical Herbalist Brett Elliott. My previous detoxes had included symptoms of detoxing such as headaches, body aches, tiredness, hunger and more.

When I combined the clean eating with the herbal supplements, I was blown away that not only did I get all of the benefits of a detox, I also didn't experience any of the so-called ‘side effects’. I believe this is because of the combination of herbs that Brett has put together to assist in the detox process. I have now done this detox annually for 6 years.
This made me confident to recommend his detox cleanse program to anyone who wanted to boost their health, even those who had no experience.
The feedback I have had is that inexperienced people have found it challenging to be completely self guided. I also get feedback that others want to do it but it just seems too overwhelming to tackle on their own.
That’s when this program was born.
Detoxing Made Simple in Porirua NZ.
A program where I step you through every part of the planning and the process to allow you to become a lighter, healthier and stronger version of you in just 30 days.
I share my knowledge and experience to make a successful Detox simple and achievable to anyone.
What is a 30-day Guided Detox?
Simply put, 30 day guided detox gives your body a breather from the bad stuff while flooding your body with the good stuff, see the shopping list of included foods below that you will be provided with.
From my personal experience and what I have seen from others following my recommendations is that the secret to the 30-day Guided Detox’s success is three-fold:
- Utilising Brett Elliot’s ultimate herbal detox herbs to enhance the benefits and decrease the unwanted symptoms such as headaches and nausea.
- Preparation is taken seriously. Your meals will be planned out together with Roz prior to the commencement of your program and strategies for social events and other commitments will be arranged.
- You will have access to weekly calls with Roz and other participants for support, inspiration, accountability and troubleshooting.
How Does a 30-day Guided Detox Work?
A 30-day Guided Detox takes the guesswork out of a detox. Everything is provided for you - including a recipe book for all of your meals, a 1on1 session to plan your personalised program, targeted herbal supplements that support a healthy digestive system and optimal liver function, and ongoing support via a weekly group zoom call to keep you on track. Together, that plan of action leads to a number of benefits.

During a guided detox, you turn up the volume on fibre-rich foods like fruits and vegetables. These foods enhance satiety, so you feel full longer. Studies link high fibre diets with increased weight loss and lower body mass index.
Plus, certain toxins like BPA and phthalates are obesogens, which can cause weight gain. These toxins are stored in your fat cells. Guided detox helps you burn fat and eliminate these harmful toxins that can sabotage your weight loss goals.
2. Increased energy
Fueling your body with nothing but clean, nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats skyrockets your energy levels! All the energy bogged down combating toxins can be redirected to healing. The result? You wake up vibrant, clear-headed, and full of energy to take on your day.
3. Improved digestion
Here’s a good rule of thumb: if an ingredient is hard to read, it’s also hard to digest. Processed foods are often loaded with food additives, fat, and sugar. This can throw off the delicate balance of bacteria in your microbiome, leading to poor digestion.
Eating wholesome fibre-rich food changes all that. The prebiotic plant fibers found in fruits and vegetables serve as food for your good-gut bacteria, keeping your microbiome healthy and happy. Plus, the fiber boost from a guided detox promotes bowel regularity.
4. Boosted immunity
Did you know that 70% of your immune system lives in your gut? It’s true! When you upgrade your gut health, you enhance your immunity too.
When your body isn’t overburdened with inflammatory foods and harmful chemicals, your immune system can head off viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to set up shop. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the importance of having a strong immune system. By eliminating toxins and flooding your body with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, guided detox lays the foundation for a more robust immunity all year long.
5. Mood boost
Eating tons of foods high in carbs and sugar takes your blood sugar on a roller coaster ride.
Research links blood sugar dysregulation with depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Taking a break from sugar, caffeine, and processed foods while loading up on nourishing fiber-rich food helps stabilize your blood sugar. That makes for a calmer nervous system and more stable moods. Plus, 95% of your feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin is made in your gut! Guided detox gives your gut a healthy reset, leaving it better equipped to be a happy hormone-producing machine.
6. Clearer skin
When your liver, kidneys, and colon are overtaxed with toxins, something’s gotta give! And often, that something is your skin.
Your skin is your body’s largest eliminatory organ. When your liver can’t keep up with the backlog of incoming toxins, it can show up on your skin in the form of acne, rashes, or a dull complexion. Doing a detox cleanse gives your liver some extra love, which means clearer, smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

7. Reduced cravings
Make no mistake about it. Sugar is addictive. In fact, research shows sugar can be just as addictive as street drugs like cocaine!
When you remove highly addictive processed and sugar-laden foods from your diet, the cravings lessen. Slowly, day by day, the sugar monster loses its hold on you. Over time, your tastebuds change, and you start craving healthy, nutritious foods!
Is a 30 day Guided Detox Right For You?
When toxins build up in your body, they create a cascade of inflammation, which may cause symptoms like:
- Weight gain
- Increased belly fat
- Joint/muscle aches & pains
- Chronic digestive issues
- PMS & menstrual problems
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Brain fog
- Skin issues
- Hormonal imbalance
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Poor sleep
- Lowered immunity

If you’re ready to jumpstart your health goals during 2022, join us for our May 30-day Guided Detox. This supportive and comprehensive plan is carefully designed to make Detoxing simple and achievable to anyone.
We’ve done the research for you, so you can just follow along and reap the benefits!
Here’s what’s included:
- Brett Elliots 30 day ‘Ultimate Herbal Detox’ supplements including 480 capsules with 24 different herbs to support a healthy digestive system & optimal liver function.
- A pre & post detox questionnaire to ensure this detox is suitable for you, and to track your changes.
- Templates to help you prepare your individual weekly schedule.
- A complete recipe book and user guide to create meal plans, packed with delicious recipes that boost your body’s natural detoxification (printed or electronic option)
- A 60 minute personal one-on-one call with Roz to plan your program, set your goals and get you prepared.
- Five weekly 45 minute group zoom calls to help you connect with other participants, be accountable, get inspired, ask questions and keep on track.
- Access to a chat group with other participants to share photos, recipes, questions and challenges.
- Email access to Roz during detox for support, questions, & guidance.
- Optional 1on1 weekly calls during the detox for individual support.
Ready for 2022 to be your healthiest year yet? Sign up here to join our 30-day Guided Detox program!
Our all inclusive 30 day Guided Detox program has three options depending on your needs

If you did this on your own, you would spend hours researching and planning your meals. Save time, take the guesswork and the hard planning out of it.
Check out this blog I wrote about my experience including many recipes that I used.
There will never be the ‘perfect time’ to do a detox
Successful people find solutions rather than excuses. During your 1on1 we will talk through what is driving you to do this detox, what your social commitments are (like a party or a trip away) and then we will come up with solutions for your individual challenges. The Autumn months have great fruits and vegetables available making this a great time to do a detox.
Now more than ever, your Health and immunity is becoming your most important asset.

Take action to start yourself on the journey towards better health and immunity.
Your investment for the May intake starts at $350 (and it’s even cheaper when you do it as a couple!)
You need to be able to commit to 30 days of clean eating, ideally starting May 2nd 2022, but it can be flexible to start a week earlier or later (and trust me there is never a perfect time, just do it now!)
You will need a device to be able to have an online personal 1on1 initial focus and planning session with Roz, and then follow up online weekly group sessions during the month to keep you on target and discuss any questions or challenges.
This detox is suitable and safe for the majority of people, you will be given a health questionnaire prior to commencement to ensure this detox is appropriate for you.

YES I want to join the May 2nd intake! What do I need to do?

- Just fill in the form below and Roz will be in touch to organise your 60min 1-on-1 call during the week April 25-29th.
- Upon confirmation and payment, you will receive your Recipe book and program outline
- Share with your family or friends as it really helps to have someone in your household doing it with you
- Mark the dates for the detox in your diary, 2nd May-31st May, this detox is designed to be completed whilst continuing with everyday life, but avoid any extra commitments if you can as it helps to have rest time.
Let’s have a 15min no obligation introductory chat to answer any of your specific questions and find out if this is right for you. This detox only works if you follow it correctly, if you are not sure then it’s a good idea to chat before you make the decision. Get in touch with me to organise a time.
Your investment for the May intake starts at $350 (and it’s even cheaper when you do it as a couple!)
And you can get an extra $20 saving by signing up with another person which is highly recommended.
Your investment includes
- Brett Elliots 30 day 'Ultimate Herbal Detox' supplements including 480 capsules with 24 different herbs to support a healthy digestive system & optimal liver function.
- A pre & post detox questionnaire to ensure this detox is suitable for you, and to track your changes.
- Templates to help you prepare your individual weekly schedule.
- A complete recipe book and user guide to create meal plans, packed with delicious recipes that boost your body's natural detoxification (printed or electronic option)
- A 60 minute personal one-on-one call with Roz to plan your program, set your goals and get you prepared.
- Five weekly 45 minute group zoom calls to help you connect with other participants, be accountable, get inspired, ask questions and keep on track.
- Access to a chat group with other participants to share photos, recipes, questions and challenges.
- Email access to Roz during detox for support, questions, & guidance.
- Optional 1on1 weekly calls during the detox for individual support.
If you did this on your own, you would spend hours researching and planning your meals. Save time, take the guesswork and the hard planning out of it.
Check out this blog I wrote about my experience including many recipes that I used. All of the images you have seen are yummy meals from my detox last month.
There will always be an excuse as to why you can’t do a detox. Now is the perfect time.

Register interest below
9:30am - 1:30pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:30pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 2:00pm
8:00am - 2:00pm
Chiropractic Balance
10/99 Mana Esplanade, Paremata,
Porirua, NZ 5026