The Secret behind having a Dream (and how mine came true)

You have heard the saying that whatever you can dream you can achieve, for me that isn't just a saying but a way I live my life.

In Auckland as a 20 year old Chiropractic Student I did a project on what my perfect practice would eventually look like. In my dream I knew I wanted to live near my roots on the Kapiti Coast but I liked the idea of being closer to town and having my home near the practice. So in 2003 I set a vision of having a home practice on SH1 in the area of Mana Esplanade.

After graduating in 2007, I lived in Tauranga, Ireland and England then travelled for 6 months around Europe and South America before returning to NZ in 2013. My husband saw the property at 10/99 Mana Esplanade, we looked at it on Tuesday, put in an offer 2 days later and owned it that afternoon! It happened very fast, but because I had been focused on it for 10 years it felt like it was meant to be.

Two weeks after moving in, Chiropractic Balance opened on May 4th 2013. I had a vision that the practice would grow to include a whole team of health professionals who would provide exceptional Chiropractic care as well as lifestyle advice and support.

For the first 6 months, I worked on my own seeing patients 6 days a week and doing admin at night. The car park was a patch of grass, patients had to pay cash, and the reception was half the size that it is now (can you imagine it any smaller). We lived in the house attached and the only toilet was also shared for the practice so lucky patients sometimes saw my husband in his boxers!

I rented a room two days a week in the city and carried the portable table and all of my gear there each day. To give lifestyle support I ran workshops from my living room in the evenings, covering topics like posture, nutrition, stress management and women's health (see photo above). My vision was to give patients exceptional service and results, to show them that they could take control of their health and well-being. Within six months I was pregnant and realised I couldn’t do much more on my own. I needed to grow the team and teach other Chiropractors.

Our first team member was the lovely Sandra who took on the role of Chiropractic Assistant and is still with us now. Erana Tupaea joined as our second Chiropractor in 2014. Given our success in Mana we decided that we needed to get a permanent practice location in the city which we opened in 2015 at Dixon St that even had its own tables. What a pleasure it was not to have to carry my table to the city every time.

Over the next few years, we had more Chiropractors join the team Ali Brooker, Jacob Lewis, as well as our current team Matt Clark, Shivani Bhula, Olivia Williams and Manisha Deo.

As we got towards the end of 2019 I began to feel that we could expand our offer especially in the city. We visualised a space that felt more uplifting, nurturing and modern as well as allowing us to have more practitioners, not just Chiropractors. Our vision was a bigger reception area that would allow patients to do stretches and where we could run small workshops. On March 2nd 2020 at almost 7 years old, Chiropractic Balance opened its new premise at 104 The Terrace. At the same time we welcomed Bruno Reis, a talented Massage Therapist who joined us from Auckland. We had a big plan to have a grand opening with but then as you all know, just three weeks later COVID hit town and we were shut down for seven weeks.

Although it was tough financially, we worked really hard during lockdown reflecting, dreaming, planning and working on how we can better serve our patients. The result of our numerous Zoom calls was four key principles: Excellence, Connection, Integrity and Team Players. If we can dream it we can achieve it!

Another exciting progression is that Matt & Olivia will become business partners of Chiropractic Balance in the near future. This talented duo have been doing a lot behind the scenes and I am super stoked to be able to work together with them as the business grows.

Looking back I could never have told you that this is where things would be after 7 years. Having a vision isn't always about the details, it's about the intent and purpose of why you do what you do. I couldn’t be prouder of what the Chirobalance team achieve on a daily basis. Furthermore, I could never have grown this amazing business that you see today on my own.

I also adore our practice members. Although I don't know you all personally, I know that you are being well looked after by our team. We value the contribution you make to our practice.

Because we did not get to have the opening we planned, to properly celebrate our new city premise, we are going to have our ‘Grand re-opening’ festivities during June.

During the month there will be probiotic gummy treats for you when you come for your adjustment in the city. There will be new equipment in our reception area to support balanced posture and spines, as well as the opportunity to book a half price first massage with Bruno. We will also be offering half price visits for new city chiropractic patients too.

Thank you for your support of our business, we look forward to continuing to look after you. Customer satisfaction is the backbone of our success. We welcome any feedback that you have that can help us provide a better service to our amazing patients.

At your next visit please share what visions you have for your life and your health. If there is any way we can support you we will.

Be Well, Be Awesome, Be You

(and have a dream!)



Ps. Yes we do have intentions to grow Mana too 🙂